Mindful Communication for Financial Success - Save Your Seat!

Unleash Your Inner Voice: The Ticket to Financial Freedom for Women

Empowering ourselves financially presents complex challenges for women. Balancing our career, partnership, parenting, family and personal well being often means sacrificing our own wishes and desires. In this blog post, I will dive into the synergy between unleashing your inner voice, stress-free money management, and strategies for powerfully balancing your wants and needs. 

Communication is conversation. Plain and simple. How we speak to ourselves and others paves the way for how we behave, think, and act. When our thoughts match our behaviors and actions, magic unfolds in many areas of life. Using effective communication, aka conversations that are successful in helping us get closer to achieving our goals, often becomes the turning point for financial freedom.

What do I mean by this?

Think of a time when you wanted to say something, but chose to be quiet. Was it with your boss, your partner, your children, or a family member? What was the outcome of that withheld communication?

If you’re beginning to feel sensations of anger, frustration, or disappointment, then it’s probable that the conversation isn’t complete. 

Ironically, we have these same reactions when it comes to our finances. Our fragile relationship with money churns up our fight or flight response, allowing us to resist or avoid the conversations that get us closer to the freedom we say we want.

I have found that many women I work with feel a sense of guilt in managing their money. Some clients have shared that they wish they knew how to have tough money conversations, but don’t know where to begin. Some wish they could identify emotional triggers that lead to hiding from a big decision or big action.

With these repeating patterns, they find themselves in a never ending cycle of surviving their bank accounts and their relationships. Creating freedom around these topics is too daunting and most of us are too busy to fit this into our already packed schedules.

So, how do we unleash the voice inside that wants to be insanely wealthy, isn’t afraid to speak up, and is ready to create peace in our lives? 


Start with the conversation within.

What we tell ourselves about our skills and abilities directly affects our subconscious programming and confidence in our career, family, and personal wellbeing. Instead of making yourself wrong for missing a deadline, not paying a bill on time, speaking our mind or skipping the gym, forgive yourself out loud. 

Another method my clients find helpful is identifying their blocks for why they haven't taken action in something that has been rattling their happiness. In discovering blocks, I’ve found it helpful to think in terms of what's working and what's not working versus what's wrong and what's right. By eliminating the “bad” wrongs, we give ourselves power to bring a new perspective to our experience of an unfavorable event or decision. 

Flip the script from being critical to being compassionate. Give yourself grace versus making yourself wrong for your behavior. Similar to an affirmation, this neurolinguistic approach relieves the anxiety of shame and guilt, giving way to a new conversation and new opportunities that were once terrifying. 

One such instance that creates blocks and stirs up fear and anxiety is the inner conversation of what to do to have income when we’re no longer able to work, a.k.a. retirement. This convo may sound like: “only rich people save for retirement,” “I’d have to give up time with family to work more to save for retirement,” or “I don’t know how to save for retirement so I'll just figure it out later.” The vocabulary of these statements diminishes personal power, closing off our vision and confidence to carry out our vision. 

New, empowering vocabulary would sound like, "I'll spend 15 minutes researching an IRA without judging myself for not knowing what it is, I am committed to creating financial freedom in my future and I am ready to face this challenge and I can authentically say what I need, especially when it comes to money. I forgive myself and I am ready to start anew.”

Once you have committed to a new approach, create plans and steps that include a date and time to carry out your actions. Following plans and steps can be worry-free with the help of mentors, coaches, advisors, or therapists. Some websites like Trello, Monday, or Notion have pre-loaded templates for managing and balancing life with the guesswork taken out of it. 

Getting to the source of what’s not working in our lives is key to creating financial freedom. By doing this, we bring trust into the process as we navigate complex financial decisions, accounts, and conversations. Ignoring our words and their impact has far greater consequences than we realize and this effect trickles into every aspect of our lives as we continually accept avoiding conversations with ourselves or others.

I encourage you to have that conversation about getting a raise, open that retirement account, ask for more support from your partner, and declare more time for your personal wellbeing. 

With practice your inner voice will begin to speak to your desires, drawing you closer to what you DO want versus what you DON'T want. And over time, you’ll begin to experience abundance and fulfillment in areas you once ignored or avoided. Mastering being uncomfortable and non-reactive during these critical conversations presents opportunities for overcoming the challenges of being an empowered woman in all areas of life. 

Unleashing your inner voice with confidence, respect, generosity, and integrity can be the ticket to financial and personal freedom that women everywhere deserve. 

Now, unleash your freedom and go be free!

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